Berkshire Equipping Center every Saturday 6:30 PM 195 N. Plain Rd Great Barrington , MA
Communion Tour
Join us in Salem NH for an amazing time of Worship and Prayer with Lou Engel as he ministers on communion and breakthrough for New England
Intercessors United Vermont
RDMI will be joining intercessors in Vermont desiring to see breakthrough . Restoring the corporate mantle of prayer and the power of Gods Kingdom
Gathering of Tribal Nations igniting the Nations for Christ
Prophetic conference Warrior Alabama with Robin Bullock
Scranton Awake with Chuck Pierce and the13 Colonies Council
A key to the recovery of our Nation
Strategic intercessory prayer gathering for Western MA
Gathering of intercessors for intercessory prayer in strategic locations throughout Western MA. Contending for our Nations Mother State of MA
Apostolic First Nations Oversight Covenant
RDMI is honored to enter into covenant with Apostle Ray and Pastor Richelle Garcia of the Impact Center Lawton Ok for Apostolic First Nations oversight . We praise God for Apostolic multiplication as we continue under the Apostolic mantle and mentorship of Apostle Edward Anderson of Global Missions INC.
Taste and see womens retreat
An amazing Holy Spirit filled weekend with First Loved ministries as we experienced being loved by God with Words and Actions.
A Weekend with Paul Wilbur
Messianic Jewish songwriter, singer, Pastor and leader Paul Wilbur is coming to visit Jonathan Cahn’s church in New Jersey and RDMI will be in attendance.
The Covenant
Join RDMI in Boston, Mass. where the relationships began between the Native people and the English that landed at Plymouth Rock. Powerful prophecies coming to pass. Unity and revival!
Gathering of Tribal Nations
90+ tribes gathered in unity with supernatural events and miracles taking place under the tent. RDMI’s prophetic mandate has seen much fruit manifest as we have continued to intercede in prayer on behalf of the Native Americans on multiple trips to 4 corners and the governmental office of the Navajo Nation.
Mohawk Trail
Following prophetic mandate and praying over the land and people, in repentance, releasing forgiveness and joy.
Roan Mountain / Catawba and Cherokee
Prophetic mandate to Roan Mountain bordering TN and NC. Release of prayer and intercession for unity between Catawba and Cherokee tribes. Intercession and declaration of the Roan Remnant to rise up.
New Echota, GA / Cherokee
Prophetic mandate to pray and intercede for the Cherokee at this historic site of first city established by this tribe, which was later closed due to Indian Removal Act. Visit to Glory Tabernacle Church and Women’s Retreat.
Wampanoag Tribe
Prophetic mandate to cover these tribal lands. God had an divine appointment for a meeting with Wampanoag Tribal Chief and Elders. The original tribe that was at Plymouth Rock in 1620.
Cambridge, Summerville and Plymouth Massachusetts
Prophetic mandate of prayer and intercession for the state of Massachusetts as well as the nation.
Mohawk Trail
Prophetic mandate: Boots on the ground praying and interceding for the Mohawk tribe.
ORU / FlashPoint Tour / Trail of Tears
Convened on Tulsa with God’s Flashpoint Army. Were witnesses to thousands of souls being saved. Prophetic mandate to thoroughly cover Oklahoma to pray and intercede for repentance, forgiveness and the release of joy for the tribes that were sent on a very long walk to Oklahoma in the 1800’s.
Leadership Training with Mario Murillo
A time of encouragement, strategy, and igniting for Pastors and leaders. A time of training for Murillo Ministries volunteers.
New Mexico Prophetic Fire Gathering and Ministry
Overwhelming presence of the Lord at the two-day conference. Impartations and Word of the Lord received! Prophetic mandate to cover new areas of New Mexico as well as, areas highlighted, following Route 66 all the way to Gallup, praying and interceding for multiple tribes.
Catawba Reservation
Covered the reservation as part of the prophetic mandate with intercessory prayer and releasing joy and abundant blessings for the tribe for the new year.
Honey Lake Farms with Awakening Alliance
A global gathering of the Awakening Alliance for education, intercessory prayer, team strengthening activities, strategy and fellowship.